Grow, Give and Live!

Hello there eila love. ❤️❤️

‘In the process of letting go, you will lose so many things from the past but you will find yourself!’
Deepak Chopra

Sometimes holding on seems to be the best decisions you can make concerning something. I believe that if that thing or person you are holding on to gives you positive vibes and doesn’t hold you back… that doesn’t hold your greatness and achievements back then it is worth holding on to it.

The difficult thing to do comes when it is time. Time to say goodbye… Time to Let go. Time to finally take back your power and decide that you don’t need something or someone to keep you ‘alive’. The best thing you can actually do for yourself whenever you get in to a situation you can’t even fathom, is just to let go.

✨Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about something. No! It actually means that you really care more about yourself not to lose your sanity. You can decide to let go of all anger that is holding you back from experiencing the joys in your life, you can let go of a friendship or relationship that makes you feel unworthy or that makes you do things you regret you did when you are alone, things that make you feel shame…embarassed..let go of the hate hidden deep in your heart and spread love… let go of that stress that is eating you up, making you feel crazy all the time. Making you battle with your mind…

✨Start living in the present. I was thinking about something the other day. Trying to reminisce of the moments I cherished when still young and dumb… a child I was. The memories are just fragments in my mind. I always tried to take my whole being… body.. mind…soul and spirit to feel how I felt then… but then I realised I couldn’t…I can’t. I just have imaginations… imaginary feelings… thoughts. I also tried to figure out the future… oh well ‘the future’… sounds too far out of reach. So, I thought of tomorrow. I thought of what I’ll do… how I’ll feel… I didn’t know. That left me with ✨The present! I decided to let my mind be free. My eyes to see the beauty of the world in front of me. My ears to listen to the tiniest sound I could hear. My nose to smell the fresh air (oh… I’m an island girl now away from the cities), and finally to just shut my eyes and take all that in. What can I call that… Inner peace? When you feel everything is falling in place slowly but surely!

So. Let go of all the stress of yesterday. Let go of the anger of years ago… forgive… reconnect and make ammense with whomever you are feeling. Let go of the regret. Release all the hate and frustration. All the devastating moments… forget about it all. Take the lessons you learnt form those experiences and move on! Grow… Give and live in the present. In this present that God has blessed you with.

‘Don’t worry about the future. What isn’t in your control is none of your business!’ This past year taught me that!

Am not saying you only live once… but yea you do… we all do. You only live once! Am saying this on the note that you should be happy. In which other world will you be happy? In which other world will you forgive? In which other world will you reconnect with your loved one? In which other world will you connect with other people and make more beautiful beautiful memories? In which other world will you live for yourself?

Let go of all the horrible feelings that is making you not grow… not give love… start living.


Love Eila.
Happiness starts within.

Lifetime Principles to live by.

Hello there eilalove! Hope you are doing well… in today’s post I just felt the urge to talk to you about the principles of life that we should all abide to. These principles don’t just come from anywhere but am sure most of us know them by heart because we learnt them while in school.

This post has been inspired by a book in the Bible, Galatians 5:22-23, The Fruits of the Holy Spirit. So guys, I always love to personalize everything I talk and write about. This will just be the same. There are 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit and I just need you guys to read about them, hear them and also feel them deep down. They are:


I believe when we love ourselves nothing can hinder us from attaining our ultimate happiness. Love makes everything else appear smaller and easier. Loving yourself can unlock a bunch of new territories you have never even imagined you could reach! Also, as you love yourself…. love your neighbor. Spread love to everyone across the universe!


Having joy in your heart can heal any situation you go through! Let joy and happiness to your life and the sorrow out far from you! Find joy in everything and in every aspect of your life. See the goodness life has to offer and always live in the moments you feel most happy. Share your joy with others! Spread happiness all over!


When you have peace in your life, everything else falls in to place. It is said that peace is our gift to one another. Imagine when the world is at war…. what exactly can you do? Imagine when your mind is at war…. what exactly can you do? Be selective with the battles you need to fight! Peace is sometimes better than being right! Also cancel all the noise in your life to find inner peace within you. It is worth it.


This one is a bit hard for some of us. ‘Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. ‘ Unknown. I have come to understand that patience is also attributed to surrendering! You need to let go of the thought of something you want so bad in order to actually be able to get it. Surrender that to God. Don’t let yourself get frustrated over something you don’t have control over. Let God go above and beyond for you. Because He actually will. Also my dear eilalove… as you learn to be patient with yourself… be patient with others.


Teach yourself to be kind to yourself! Some of us are so hard on ourselves for nothing really. We punch ourselves instead of Pat our backs and appreciate what we can do. Being kind to yourself can create more motivation and inspiration for you and in you. Also be kind to others. Some people we meet we don’t know their story and maybe they are having a bad day. Treat each one with kindness the same way you would want to be treated while having a really bad and sh***y day.


Being good and doing good doesn’t cost a thing! Be good to yourself. Be the best version of yourself. Be who you are and don’t ever change to accomodate someone else’s wishes. Be excellent in character! Don’t forget to show goodness to others I mean be the reason somebody else believes in the goodness of people!


Be faithful and loyal to yourself first before you decide to be faithful and loyal to someone else! Learn to do that for you! Put your needs first before anybody else’s! Don’t lie to yourself. Set your priorities straight! Have boundaries! Stay true to your beliefs! Be your No.1 cheerleader! SUPPORT YOURSELF!! Don’t forget to also be faithful and loyal to your people! Don’t put somebody else down with your words! Support your people, be loyal and trustworthy. Be honest!

‘When Faithfulness is most difficult, it is most necessary!’


In simple terms, gentleness means being easy on yourself and to others. It is important to know that life isn’t a smooth path. It is filled with bumps and pot holes… hills and valleys… so just be gentle on yourself and understand that with time you will reach that place you have always wanted to be at. Show empathy to other people. Accept one other the way we all are. Flaws and all. There is nothing stronger in this world than gentleness.


Dear friend, if you master the art of self-control, believe you me… you can master anything thrown at you! It is really awesome that in the Bible in Galatians 5:22-23… the last of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is this. Self-control is here to help us to resist any form of temptations sent our way. Things that may make us forget who we truly are inside… things that may make us forget our principles… self-control is here to help us stand firm in our decision making process. Learn to practice self control!

This is it my love! Hope today’s post will inspire you to always love by these principles all your life. I believe they are the basis for achieving a happy life!
Share your thoughts with me.


Love Eila

My Two Cents.

Hello there eilalove. Hope you had a beautiful productive week and are preparing for your much needed relaxing weekend. So for this week’s post I honestly can’t figure out what to share because my mind is currently blank. Am mentally exhausted that’s why.

But still, I have a pressing topic I need to touch on and I would really love to hear from you guys either in my comment section or like most of you love.. my email address. Thank you guys btw.

Have you ever felt so drained in your life either because of a friendship or relationship? Me…. oh yes I have felt that way a couple of times. Made me wonder why I was putting my feelings through such torture for nothing really… here are my two cents…

Like I always say ‘Happiness starts from within’. This year and more years to come we want to get to a point where nothing that doesn’t bring us joy doesn’t bothers us. Right?!

No man is an island they say. And I can’t disagree about that. We all have people around us. People we trust, family, friends, acquittances… it is important for us to create an environment that is perfect for us in all ways. An environment rich in love, happiness, peace and growth.

The people around us tells the character we have. A toxic group will definitely make us one of them. It is important to ensure that as much as we don’t want to be among toxic people, we ourselves should not emulate our toxicity to the rest. I mean everyone has their bad side. No one is perfect! Change starts from within. I mean, to change the world, I need to start with me, you need to start with you. So as much as it is seems like a ‘trend’ to say ‘that relationship or friendship was toxic to me’ it is important to ask yourself if you also were behind the toxicity in the relationship you are/were quitting. We need to find the aspects in our lives that show off as being toxic to others and change all that.

I also believe that setting boundaries in your relationships and friendships can play a great role in excluding all the toxic situations that tend to come up. Setting strict boundaries is not limiting yourself from being in the friendship but it is an act of love to yourself and respect to others, in that all y’all understand what each others limits are and what principles all of you stand by. Honey if you find yourself always being swayed by what the others are doing and you are not into it or being a people pleaser just for the sake… CHECK YOURSELF!

Be who you are! Not who the world wants you to be!

Be mindful of the company you keep. Don’t be around people who make you feel less of a person. Don’t be around those who don’t appreciate who you are. Do not and I repeat DO NOT be I the company of people who have negative feelings towards life. You know those people who they have just met you but even before you know them.. you already know how sh***y their lives are!

Am sorry but how will that company make you feel at the end of the day? Huh?! DRAINED if I do say so myself!

So as much as we all have people around us… people we love so much. It is important to note that not everyone is there for your happiness. So just be careful. For your happiness and peace of mind, it is ok to love and miss someone from a far! And if you have to lose someone to love yourself… GO RIGHT AHEAD eilalove.

Love Eila.
Happiness starts within.

GOALS 2021.

Hello there eila love. Long time no see…I know I know. Well…this is unusual. I am here today to tell y’all some of my goals for 2021. This article is coming to you a bit late but I don’t mind…so long as all these will be achived. I am trying to make myself accountable by letting all of you know.

Here we go…

Prioritize myself.

With all the happenings in the world and in your life, it is easy to lose yourself in all of that. With this in mind, I’m going to prioritize myself. My overall well-being and happiness. I mean gaining happy weight is so beautiful! I need that.

Peace of mind.

I want to engage with the whole world while still feeling calm, relaxed and also safe! Safe from all the negativity and toxicity in the world! I want to be more aware of my surroundings and steer clear of anything and everything that will make me feel am not worthy.

Positive thinking.

You can sincerely agree with me that the worst battle ever fought is that of the mind! Being able to keep all negative thoughts out of my mind will surely make me stronger! I mean it is said that things have a way of working themselves out if we just remain positive! Right?! 😉

Pore-over great books.

Well guys! Please hold me accountable to this! I would really love to improve my reading culture this year. And not just reading books for the sake of it all… NO. I would like to pore-over them! Read them with all the attention I can give! Read and understand!


I want this year to be the year I quit procrastination and replace that with being productive! I want to achieve all these goals I have set for myself that you are reading and the ones that are only for my eyes to see! Being productive will make it easy for me to be attentive to the things that actually matter in my life.


It is sometimes so hard to be patient with oneself. I want to learn to be patient with myself, not to feel overwhelmed with all the happenings around me but just keep myself in check and calm while waiting for my turn, for my happenings to happen, if you know what I mean. This will also make me be kind to myself and live a life full of gratitude!

That is it guys. Hope you are having a good start of the year 2021! If you don’t mind, please let me know some of your goals this year… let us hold each other accountable to make our dreams come true!


Love Eila.

Quarantine TO-DO LIST.

Hello eilalove. Hope you are staying safe, healthy and positive during this time. I wanna know what you have planned to do during this time rather what you have been doing to stay sane.Am here today with a few things in my list of what I am doing and what I want to start doing to be more productive apart from the norm…house chores and work for those who work and school for those who btw including me are working on.

Learn something new. I know it’s not only me who wants to learn a new hobby or skill. You’ve wanted to know how to knit, crochet, do hair, do make up, sew, paint etc. Learn anything that will make you be productive during this time and that will come in handy in the future. I mean we all got time now.. yes? YES! Do It!

Listen to podcasts. There are so many podcast sites out in Google play store you can choose one and decide to feed your soul with some great content. Actually this is also another way of learning and getting new ideas from experts in different fields of your choice and interest. Am currently listening to ‘On purpose with Jay Shetty.’ You can recommend more in the comments and I’ll be happy to check them out too.

Read books. Expand your knowledge you know. It is power! Am not that into books but if get a wonderful book that just makes my spirit super excited I can’t put it down at all. I recently read a book that just put my head straight and I’d so gladly recommend it. ‘RICH DAD POOR DAD!’ If you wanna learn about money,saving,investing etc… it is the book for you. What book are you reading at the moment?This should have been point number one.

Connect with God. Read your Bible…pray…thank God for life, good health, food in your tummy, a place to lay your head at night because not everyone has that…be grateful! Well there’s the internet.. you can videocall your friends and have Bible study. This helps keep you sane.

Interact with your family stay in touch with friends. You have been apart since December most probably because of school, work etc…get to know them better… do continue celebrating birthdays, anniversaries… etcIncase you have younger ones like I do… Don’t let them watch too much TV, movies. Teach them some life skills. Tutor them since they’ll be back in school and so behind.

Exercise. Don’t you be a couch potato. You can walk around your compound, run, jog, jump rope, yoga. Just get up and do something that helps your body not get wasted.

Deep clean your house… your closet.. everywhere. STAY HYGIENIC! Get up in the morning… freshen your make up… dress up.. eat healthy… don’t stay in your phone all day… no… not healthy… choose one thing in the list after the other and do it! You got this.Don’t get demotivated… stay positive. Stay productive.Be safe!


Love Eila.

Am back!!!

Hey there… how long has it been? I know. It has been Too long. Am back now hopefully I’ll stay put. Well this post is just to let you know that am super excited to be providing content once more to you. This time I hope it will be super super informative, and that this platform will be a space for you and I to continue expressing ourselves. Well I stopped writing last July 24th. Things were just not going on well. A lot was happening… in all the aspects of life. And now… wow… the world is just on another different space that is so saddening and kinda frustrating but… in all of all this corona maneno we stay positive and healthy!


love eila


MY TRUTH. |pt.3

Last time I told you guys how and where my body starts aching whenever I have the crisis episodes. So some are intense while others are to me like a passing migraine which to many people won’t be that. I differentiate them according to how fast I manage the pain. Whether it is intense or ‘simple’, my abdomen area will always be in pain.

Anyway…so there’s the heaving breathing which most people get to notice mostly at night or when I am in pain. The main reason why the pain comes is because the red blood cells get stuck in a point in my blood vessels and oxygen isn’t getting adequate movement to my body. The heavy breathing just comes naturally, I never notice it until someone tells me my breathing is hard.

Apart from the breathing, there’s my eyes turning yellow. Jaundice as they call it but it isn’t that prominent. My palms also tend to be pale, as my eyes to because my haemoglobin level is low.

When this happens…I definitely need to be on blood booster medication among other prevention medication. Anyway…when I was young it was always hard for me to cope with this experience because I even missed out on half a term of school. I was young then. My immunity was young and it was really different than it is now.

I remember one time when my dad took me to the doctor when I was getting to my teenage years and my doctor told my dad that we needed to be more cautious because I’d soon start my menstrual circle. I being anaemic…i needed blood in my body and here am about to start losing it every month. It was such a big challenge for me then. I got in the hang of it because you know I can’t change my gender. I don’t want to.

Living with sickle cell anaemia has been a journey…an experience which has taught me a lot of patience, gratitude, strength and commitment. It is not for the faint hearted. There are times when I’d wish that it’d just take me with it so that I’d stop feeling the pain and just forget what it is.

But…I learnt that yes am the one carrying the pain in my body and feeling it by myself but…the pain that my parents we’re going through every time they saw me in pain was worse. I used to see it in their eyes….especially my dad’s because he was the one who took me to the doctors and who spent time with me in the hospital. I was never admitted to the hospital with my mom by my side. She couldn’t handle it. Sometimes I used to hide my pain from them so that they would not worry.

I was not only being strong for myself but also for my parents and my younger siblings. Ooh BTW…am the only one in my family….nuclear and extended, with sickle cell anaemia. I don’t know why…but I thank God about that.

Anyway…my journey and experiences is a long story that I can’t do it in one sitting. This is why am dividing it into parts. Anyway this is it for pt. 3.

See you in pt.4. 😊Hopefully.


Love EILA.

MY TRUTH.|pt.2

So I know I haven’t been writing any blog posts for the past month and 4days. Well part of the reason is the crisis I have been trying to control. Well in this past month I have had about 8-10 episodes, which is the highest number to my knowledge, unless when I was little I had more and I have forgotten.

So…back to basics ish…

Sickle cell anaemia is a condition whereby my red blood cells are not the normal round shaped ones. They are shaped in sickle form hence the name. I don’t want to get into all the biology details or medical details…well you’ve got Google, it will help you out.

Anyway…I just want to talk about the crisis episodes…i.e the PAIN as per my own experience. So a lot of things can trigger this pain. It can be the weather especially the cold, dehydration, stress, straining my body past my limit, too much sugar, vigorous activities, my periods, etc.

So as adviced by my doctors, I should stay away from all that. Or rather do my best to prevent any of those situations from happening. So when am in the cold…I tend to keep myself extremely warm. I guess this is the reason my parents always bought me ‘winter’ clothes while my siblings looked really nice in their ‘summer’ clothes.

All my life I have been on blood booster medications and what nots. I also had to eat the iron rich foods. Still do actually. It’s been hectic but what can I do….the beetroots, Kiwis, spinach, liver, Sukuma wiki, etc

Anyway, This experience of mine (I don’t want to call it a condition. I hate that name ) has made me miss out on a lot in my childhood and some part of my school life. I wish I could do some things but I just can’t. Sometimes I just look the other way and do stuff which I later on have to pay for because my body can’t handle it.

So…this is how I feel whenever I know am about to be put to bed by the painful experience.

1. Heat flashes

2. Chest pain

3. Back pain

4. MY WAIST /ABDOMEN IS THE MAJOR AREA. The pain circulates around my abdomen for the longest time.

5. My joints...these are my ankles,wrists,elbows,knees..

They all start paining in that order!!! I hate it! I hate it. Sometimes I can’t even move.

Oooh funny thing when this happens…I wouldn’t want anyone to touch me.😂😂

Pain medication… my body only accepted to work with Diclofenac pain meds, the 100mg ones, and the powergesic gel/cream. Only!

I can’t really explain how the pain pains. Just know it is excruciating!!!!!

My family and friends can narrate to you what they usually see.

Anyway guys…this is my truth. I have always been scared of talking about it. But I guess it’s that time.

Pt.3 coming soon.



MY TRUTH.|pt.1

Sitting here in this big room…in this empty space wondering when will all this pain end. This is my feeling every single time I get to experience (my experience) which btw I didn’t choose to have. It is funny how fate just decides how you are going to live your life, before you even understand what exactly life is.

The excruciating pain I always go through by myself in my tiny corner makes me ask myself too many questions I can’t even begin to find answers to.

Why me?

When will all this end? When am dead?

The pain I feel is different from the pain another person going through the same experience, feels.

I mean…we get to choose how to tackle experiences in life. Some painful moments are tackled with tears and extreme physical and emotional strength like mine while others with laughter and jokes and distractions.

During these moments I get to understand how strong I am because of what am going through. During these moments I get to know how to be grateful for life and good health. During these moments I get to learn not to take things for granted.

The experience am talking about is the pain. The pain I have to undergo every single time my body just can’t seem to function well. The pain that I really can’t put words to explain how PAINFULL it is. The pain that makes people wonder why a grown ass person can’t control his/her tears.

The pain….the pain I can’t get rid off just like that. The process itself is entirely costly. The pain that makes me lack sleep every other night. The pain that made me write this….



Even with all the pain….I STILL GET UP AND DO WHAT I GOTTA DO!





Skincare Routine|ft. @naturalivingsupplies

Our skin just like our bodies needs to stay hydrated and filled with all the good stuff in order to stay healthy. It needs to be taken care of with the right quality products that are vegan, of natural ingredients.

This is an updated skincare routine that I currently live by because I am happy to announce that I found myself the best skin care brand to use. Natural living supplies is all about 100% natural ingredients that mother nature provides without adding any additives, fragrance or chemical to their products. They are vegan, cruelty, parabens, silicon/silicate, mineral oil FREE!!

They have a wide range of skincare products that work for all skin types, dry, oily, combination, sensitive and for acne prone skin as well.

Their main ingredients are:

Frankincense(King of all essential oils) and Myrrh. They are also known as the Biblical oils. I am so sure that most of you guys, just like me, got to know of these herbs through the Bible.

Natural living supplies products include:

Holy water which comes in two types; Frankincense hydrosol and Myrrh hydrosol.

Miracle oil which comes in three types: which contain frankincense, myrrh, olive oil, jojoba oil with either Tea tree essential oil, Lavender essential oil or Rose hip oil.

Sacred rejuvenating cream which contains Shea butter, olive oil, jojoba oil, beeswax, frankinsence, myrrh and lavender.

Purity mask which contains bentonite clay, turmeric powder, arrow root powder, olive oil, jojoba oil, frankinsence and myrrh.

Divine hair oil which contains argan oil, frankinsence, myrrh, Rosemary essential oil, black seed oil and jojoba oil.

They also have pure essential oils like lavender, 4 of 5 different types of frankincense essential oils, tea tree oil, myrrh essential oil and Rosemary essential oil.

Advantages of these products.

They are naturally distilled oils.

The oils are noncomedogenic meaning they do not clog pores.

They are super affordable.

They are great for all skin types.

They are easily absorbed into the skin.

Skincare Routine.

These products give you a full on simple skincare routine. This is how I care for my skin with these products.

To exfoliate, the purity mask got me and you.

To tone you can use the Holy water to hydrate your skin after cleansing and/or exfoliating.

To moisturize you have a wide range to choose from. If you have dry skin like I do…you can go for the miracle moisturizing oil (Rose hip oil). This is the oil that I currently use. Trust me when I tell you it is moisturizing!

If your skin is acne prone or experiencing breakouts, you can reach out for the miracle tea tree oil serum. I have used this oil to clear out my hormonal break outs. It worked like a charm.

You also can reach out for the miracle oil in lavender essential oil to care for your skin as well. Lavender has many skin benefits you can check them out here.

Here is the link to Natural living Supplies website so that you can check them out and read more about the products and their benefits, as well as learn more about the brand.


I decided to write about this post on my own because I have used the products and they have worked well for me and I love them so much. #notsponsored.

That is it for today’s post my loves. Btw I did a mini video on my Instagram on how I use some of the products.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Love Eila.
